Shared Lives Plus

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We are the UK membership charity for more than 6,000 Shared Lives carers, 150 Shared Lives schemes and a growing network of local Homeshare organisations.

Our vision is a kinder, stronger society built on sharing our lives and our homes. We help build communities where everyone lives a full life, regardless of the support they need. We do this by turning Shared Lives and Homeshare into thriving, mainstream options, with all the right structures in place to support and guide who want to share their lives and homes.


Our values are the invisible thread that runs through us. We uncovered these common values through working with our team and membership network.

They help to define who we are and decide how we make the world a better place:

  • Zest and Energy: We work collaboratively with commitment and enthusiasm to inspire those around us, to engage fully with everything we are doing. Our actions and mindset inspire others to follow suit.
  • Authenticity: We are dedicated to a culture of teamwork and encourage individuals to bring their own unique strengths and passions. We are building a fulfilling work environment, where everyone feels valued.
  • Sense of Purpose: Our work contributes to the organisation’s overall vision – driving positive change for others and at times being brave and forging our own path.
  • Integrity: We are open and honest with one another. We take accountability and pride in our work. We are reflective in our approach, sharing knowledge and striving for continuous improvement.


Relentlessly cheerful

We are infectiously hopeful. Like our members, we are always ready to support people through change, muck in or just sit and listen.


Like our members, we get on with things, regardless of what’s going on around us. We’re doers, willing to embrace anyone in any circumstances.

Naturally generous

Shared living requires give and take, balancing support, care and independence. Our network supports people who take these things in their stride and authentically enjoy helping others.

Effortlessly maverick

We know some people wouldn’t be up for it – you need to be flexible and open-minded. As long as people are happy to give their time and open up their home, Shared Lives Plus will be here to support and promote each person involved!

Read more about working at Shared Lives Plus