Shared Lives Plus

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Workshop session 3 Thursday 13th October 11.15am

This was the final workshop session of the conference.

We had workshops aimed at different audiences, but people were welcome to join any session unless it was specifically limited to a particular group. See the code below to identify the workshops for each group.


ALL (everyone),

SLS (Shared Lives scheme workers),

SLC (Shared Lives carers),

SL (Shared Lives carers and scheme workers),

HS (Homeshare workers and participants)


3A – Public Liability (also available as an option in session 1) SL

3B – Homeshare Relationship Endings  HS ONLY

3C – Shared Lives carers and tax – Intellect Tax advisors SL

3D – Story Telling – creating a winning case study to raise awareness for your organisation ALL

3E – Social Media Intermediate level – how to plan, prepare and deliver an awareness campaign for Shared Lives and Homeshare SLS & HS

3F – New to Shared Lives? Shared Lives Plus membership and support for schemes SLS ONLY

3G – Independent Carer Groups – Let’s Connect SL

3H – A trauma-informed approach SL

3I – Fire Safety in the Home SLC

3K – Working with Ambassadors, people with experience of Shared Lives, Homeshare and Family by Family to raise awareness ALL

3L – Supported Loving – Sex and Relationships ALL

3A - Public Liability

Hosted by – Craig Hosking and Christine Howard from Towergate insurance brokers (with Sarah Roberts)

Craig and Christine will provide an outline of what Public Liability insurance is, who uses it in general and why Shared Lives carers need it, they will also talk about the differences between Public Liability insurance and household insurance.

Christine will outline the new landlord insurance offer and there will be an opportunity for those booked onto the workshop to put forward specific questions to be answered during the session.

This workshop was also available as an option in workshop session 1.

Suitable for: SL

3B - Homeshare Relationship Endings

Hosted by – Debs Fox and Catherine Ambrose

A presentation and discussion on how to manage endings including;

  • planned endings
  • breakdown in relationships
  • evictions and death

The workshop will provide detailed information about the legal processes and legislation that should underpin our practice and process in managing the ending of a Homeshare relationship and focused discussion of our shared experiences of endings.

Suitable for: HS ONLY

3C - Shared Lives carers and tax - Intellect Tax advisors

Hosted by – Pat Lewis and Jane Barratt from Intellect Tax (with Lynne Harrison)

The areas this workshop will be discussing are:

  • Shared lives carers responsibilities for registering with HMRC for tax and national insurance purposes
  • How Qualifying Care Relief works and its eligibility criteria
  • How to contract and pay Shared Lives carers fees so that their self-employed status and their eligibility to claim Qualifying Care Relief are maintained
  • Filling in your Tax return

Suitable for: SL

3D - Story Telling - creating a winning case study to raise awareness for your organisation

Hosted by – Frank Fitzpatrick and Phoebe Barber-Rowell

  • Learn about what types of story the media is interested in – find out about our national experiences
  • What makes a compelling media story – asking the right questions and photo/video content
  • Supporting people to tell their story with confidence – knowing what’s interesting, setting boundaries and follow up support
  • Networking with local and regional media
  • How to let us know about potential people willing to talk with the media

Suitable for: ALL

3E - Social Media Intermediate level - how to plan, prepare and deliver an awareness campaign for Shared Lives and Homeshare

Hosted by – Lydia Ferguson and Jess Jackson

This popular workshop follows on from our previous training for members preparing for Shared Lives week. You can catch up with the basic level training and toolkit in your members’ account. There will also be opportunities to share your experiences with other members.

Suitable for: SLS and HS

3F - New to Shared Lives? Shared Lives Plus membership and support for schemes

Hosted by – Cathy McSweeney and Michael Kazich

  • Standard and enhanced Shared Lives membership offers for schemes
  • Resources and sources of support and information for Shared Lives workers
  • Questions? Ask your Shared Lives scheme support officer

Suitable for: SLS ONLY

3G - Independent Carer Groups - Let's Connect

Hosted by – Rebecca Day, Helen Piscieroni, and Steve Collis

Shared Lives Plus believes that independent Shared Lives carer support groups in each scheme can be invaluable in resolving issues and improving services. Support groups enable people to work together to solve problems.

In this workshop we will talk about how being part of a support group has helped carers speak collectively through elected representatives or spokespeople. In this way individuals can draw attention to particular issues without feeling vulnerable or exposed. We will put you in touch with your local independent carer group or give you the tools to start your own.

We will show you how being part of a support group can help Shared Lives carers feel less alone and more understood. Support can come in the form of conversation and sharing experiences and resources or by simply listening to others.

Suitable for: SL

3H - A trauma-informed approach (limited places remaining)

Hosted by – Ali Miller and Ben Hall

Trauma disproportionately impacts people who have health and social care needs. It is important for someone who has experienced trauma to get appropriate support to help them move on and feel safe.

We will explore how Shared Lives schemes and carers can support people by using the five principles of trauma informed care.

Suitable for: SL

3I - Fire Safety in the Home

Hosted by – Asapcomply Limited and Becky Viney-Wood

A Fire Safety in the Home Workshop specifically aimed at carers.

Suitable for: SLC

3K - Working with Ambassadors, people with experience of Shared Lives, Homeshare and Family by Family to raise awareness

Hosted by – Nick Gordon, Sophie Hargreaves, and Ambassadors

Raising the voice of people with experience of Shared Lives, Homeshare and Family by Family is central to our approach to raise awareness and create systems which prioritising people drawing on support.

This is the first time we’re offering a workshop to share experience of involving people with experience of Shared Lives and Homeshare and Family by Family in every aspect of work. The workshop will cover:

  • Benefits of involving Ambassadors
  • Working with Ambassadors as colleagues
  • How to support Ambassadors to take part, including speaking opportunities, feedback on working practices/products, media relations, panels, fees and contracts

Suitable for: ALL

3L - Supported Loving – Sex and Relationships (limited places remaining)

Hosted by – Dr Claire Bates from Choice Support (with Kathryn Morgan).

During this workshop, Dr Claire Bates will lead us through this very important subject, and we will learn about

  • Importance of relationships
  • Main barriers and facilitators
  • Useful links and resources

There will also be brief discussion about what the law says (and doesn’t say) on the topic.

Suitable for: ALL