Shared Lives Plus

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2022 Conference Programme

Our 2022 Conference is now over

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Wednesday 12th October 2022- Day one of conference and AGM

9.15 Conference opens

Please check that you can log in and access the conference platform the week before. We will send you a log in email. You may need to check your local authority firewall does not block access to the site, or find another way to connect (for instance, via your phone).

9.30 Networking groups

A chance to meet other people in your network. There will be networking groups for Shared Lives scheme workers, Shared Lives carers, and Homeshare network members.

Shared Lives carers can also chose an additional carer networking session as one of their workshop choices, and there are additional Homeshare Drop-in sessions where anyone is welcome to come and chat with members of the Homeshare network and the Homeshare UK team.

10.00 Welcome and introduction by Ewan King, chief executive, Shared Lives Plus, followed by our keynote speakers, including:

  • Neil O’Brien OBE, MP,  Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health and Social Care
  • Shared Lives Plus ambassadors
  • People with experience of Shared Lives care and Homeshare

11.15 Break

11.30 Roundtable panel discussion

Speakers include:

  • Josh MacAlister, chair of the Independent Review of Children’s Services
  • Alex Smith, CEO The Cares Family
  • Steph Downey, Service Director for Adult Social Care, Gateshead Council
  • Shared Lives Plus Ambassadors
  • Chaired by Ewan King, CEO Shared Lives Plus

12.30 Lunch

13.30 Mindfulness

We are offering two lunchtime mindfulness sessions to provide a space to pause and reset mind, body and breath.  The sessions are suitable for everyone, including seasoned meditators and complete beginners.

14.00 Workshop session 1 (choice of 1A – 1M)

15.00 Break

15.15 Shared Lives Plus Annual General Meeting, including an update on Shared Lives Plus activity

16.00 Close

Thursday 13th October 2022 - Day two of conference and awards ceremony


9.30 Networking groups – A chance to meet other people in your network. There will be networking groups for Shared Lives scheme workers, Shared Lives carers, and Homeshare network members.

Shared Lives carers can also chose an additional carer networking session as one of their workshop choices.

10.00 Workshop session 2 (choice of 2A-2L)

11.00 Break

11.15 Workshop session 3 (choice of 3A-3L)

12.15 Lunch

13.30 Mindfulness – we are offering two lunchtime mindfulness sessions to provide a space to pause and reset mind, body and breath.  The sessions are suitable for everyone, including seasoned meditators and complete beginners.

14.00 Closing plenary followed by our shared living awards ceremony celebrating the best of Shared Lives, Homeshare and Family by Family from around the UK.

15.30 Close

What last year’s delegates told us


“It was great to see all the different approaches and to network with other people”

“Very well organised, great content, thank you. Enjoyed both days, especially the meditations”

“It was a very positive and uplifting conference that really did show off the best of Shared Lives.”

“The two days were fab, learnt some valuable information. The Ambassadors were great, loved it!”

“Was great that so many people were able to attend virtually, it enabled my whole team to attend rather than just one or two of us attending. Some very interesting topics covered. Overall was an enjoyable and useful conference.”