Shared Lives Plus

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Date published: February 9, 2022

Shared Lives Plus EDI statement during Race Equality Week

This week is Race Equality Week in the UK. It is a good moment for us to reflect on our approach to equality and diversity. As such, Shared Lives plus has put together the following statement:

“At Shared Lives Plus we are committed to developing our approach to equality, diversity, and inclusion as it is embedded in our principles. These principles underpin how we pursue our aims as an organisation. Going forward, we will:

  • actively involve members and other people with experience of shared living in our decision making, and in every part of our organisation
  • use a human rights approach and tackle inequalities where we find them
  • promote, value, celebrate and welcome diversity
  • value and respect our people”
Hero Image

We also recognise that we need to be proactive to ensure that these principles are embedded in our work. We are keen that isn’t just a “tick box”, but that we are driving real change, both within the organisation and within the wider sector.

Consequently, we have set up two working groups led by our trustees, our Interim CEO, and our Deputy CEO. The two groups ensure that we are making our work as diverse and inclusive as possible, both internally and externally. Within the groups we intend to find and share best practice, as well as examining our own structures, culture, and processes.

We promise to develop an ambitious action plan with measurable targets. This means we will be able to monitor and report on our progress to our members.

You can read more about our EDI work here.


Race Equality Matters have launched the #mynameis campaign to mark the start of the UK’s second ever Race Equality Week. They say, “Your name is more than just a name. It’s part of your heritage, identity and pride. But all over the world, names are mispronounced. And regardless of the reason, it’s hurtful to those affected.”

You can join this campaign:

  1. Go to
  2. Type in your name to get phonetic translation
  3. Choose from different spellings or submit your name to grow database
  4. Upload your photo (optional)
  5. Download image
  6. Share on social media, email signature etc