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Shared Lives training for social care practitioners

In collaboration with Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) we have created an online resource library to help build knowledge and skills for social care practitioners when referring adults to Shared Lives.

With these resources, we aim to provide you with a good understanding of Shared Lives, its purpose, how it works, how to make good referrals, and to support good care planning and review.

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There is a set of training resources for each of the following:

An introduction to Shared Lives
Outcomes and benefits of Shared Lives
Ensuring a successful arrangement
Care planning and review

There are also additional case studies and downloads at the end of the page.

Commenting on this resource library, Lyn Romeo, Chief Social Worker for adults said,

“I am really pleased that Department of Health and Social Care was able to support Shared Lives Plus – the national charity which supports Shared Lives – and the Social Care Institute for Excellence to develop these new Shared Lives resources for social workers.

I am a huge supporter of Shared Lives – it delivers excellent support to people and enables people to live good lives in a loving family home. As a social worker, I know however, that we have a huge role to play in supporting Shared Lives to flourish, and that we need to encourage more referrals into Shared Lives.

These new resources were designed to raise the awareness, knowledge and skills of social workers of Shared Lives and support social care professionals to make good referrals and provide ongoing support.”

An introduction to Shared Lives

This guide provides social care practitioners with a clear introduction to the Shared Lives model, outlining how it works, who it supports, and the role practitioners play in making referrals. Shared Lives offers a flexible and person-centred approach to care, enabling people to live or spend time in the homes of approved Shared Lives carers as an alternative to traditional residential or domiciliary care.

Inside this document, you’ll find:

  • An overview of the Shared Lives model and its benefits
  • Information on who Shared Lives supports and how it works in practice
  • Guidance on the role of social care practitioners in referring to Shared Lives
  • Insights into best practice, regulation, and safeguarding

This resource is designed to help you understand, advocate for, and confidently refer people to Shared Lives, ensuring better outcomes for the people you support.


View and download “An introduction to Shared Lives” PDF

Outcomes and benefits of Shared Lives

This guide explores the positive impact of Shared Lives on the people who use it, their families, and the wider social care system. It provides social care practitioners with evidence-based insights into the benefits of Shared Lives, helping you understand why it is an effective, person-centred alternative to traditional care models.

Inside this document, you’ll find:

  • An overview of the key outcomes for people supported through Shared Lives
  • Evidence of improved independence, well-being, and social connections
  • Insights into the cost-effectiveness and sustainability of Shared Lives

This resource is designed to help practitioners make informed decisions about referrals and advocate for Shared Lives as a valuable care option that enhances quality of life and delivers better outcomes for individuals and communities.


View and download “Outcomes and benefits of Shared Lives” PDF

Ensuring a successful arrangement

This training resource provides social care practitioners with practical guidance on setting up, supporting, and sustaining successful Shared Lives arrangements. It covers the key steps involved in making effective referrals, matching individuals with Shared Lives carers, and ensuring that placements are well-supported and secure.

Inside this document, you’ll find:

  • The role of Shared Lives carers and how they are recruited and approved
  • Best practices for making referrals to ensure appropriate and effective placements
  • How matching and introductions work, including key factors for success
  • Essential agreements and legal considerations in Shared Lives arrangements
  • Guidance on monitoring, support, safeguarding, and handling incidents

This resource is designed to support practitioners in making informed decisions, improving placement stability, and ensuring the best possible outcomes for people supported in Shared Lives.


View and download “Ensuring a successful arrangement” PDF


This safeguarding training resource provides social care practitioners with essential guidance on ensuring safety and best practices in Shared Lives arrangements. It outlines the key safeguarding processes, risk management strategies, and protocols that Shared Lives schemes follow to protect both the individuals receiving support and their Shared Lives carers.

Inside this document, you’ll find:

  • Safe care planning, including how risk assessments, referrals, and training support safeguarding in Shared Lives
  • Investigation protocols, outlining the role of Shared Lives schemes, local authorities, and multi-agency teams
  • Responding to safeguarding concerns, including how to manage allegations, investigations, and risk assessments
  • Supporting Shared Lives carers, ensuring fair treatment, communication, and appropriate support during safeguarding inquiries
  • Restoring arrangements, with guidance on reinstating Shared Lives placements where appropriate

This resource equips practitioners with the knowledge needed to navigate safeguarding procedures effectively, ensuring that individuals in Shared Lives arrangements receive high-quality, safe, and person-centred support.


View and download “Safeguarding” PDF

Care planning and review

This care planning and review training resource provides social care practitioners with guidance on how to support individuals in Shared Lives arrangements through effective care planning, monitoring, and review processes. It outlines key responsibilities for ensuring that people receive personalised and high-quality support while maintaining their independence and well-being.

Inside this document, you’ll find:

  • How individual care and support needs are assessed, documented, and reviewed in Shared Lives
  • The role of record-keeping and information sharing to ensure continuity of care
  • Guidance on supporting individuals with medication management, personal care, and mobility assistance
  • Best practices for safeguarding within Shared Lives, including risk assessments and intervention protocols
  • The importance of ongoing monitoring and regular reviews to adapt to changing needs

This resource equips practitioners with the knowledge to facilitate well-planned, person-centred Shared Lives arrangements that promote safety, choice, and positive outcomes for those receiving support.


View and download “Care planning and review” PDF


This transitions training resource provides social care practitioners with guidance on how Shared Lives can support young people moving into adulthood. It outlines best practices for managing transitions from children’s to adult services, ensuring continuity of care, and supporting young people in developing independence while maintaining a stable support network.

Inside this document, you’ll find:

  • The role of Shared Lives in supporting young people aged 16 and above
  • Key challenges young people face when transitioning from children’s to adult services
  • Best practices for planning and coordinating transitions, including multi-agency collaboration
  • Guidance on regulatory requirements for working with 16- and 17-year-olds in Shared Lives
  • Steps for transitioning from fostering to Shared Lives, including carer approval processes
  • Considerations for mixed fostering and Shared Lives arrangements
  • Principles of good practice to ensure smooth transitions and positive outcomes

This resource helps practitioners navigate the transition process effectively, ensuring young people receive person-centred support that promotes stability, choice, and long-term success.


View and download “Transitions” PDF

Case studies and downloads