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Independent research related to Shared Lives

This section is under development –

please contact us if you are interested in research or a report which isn’t online yet.

Exploring Shared Lives Day Support - Bangor University

Shared lives 16 + (pilot) evaluation report, UK: Department for Education - Mitchell-Smith, Z., Caton, S., & Potter, A. (2020)

Shared lives intermediate care. Evaluation report - National Development Team for Inclusion. (2019)

Older citizens receiving family-based support in the community: a survey of quality of life among users of ‘shared lives’ in England - Callaghan, L., Brookes, N., & Palmer, S. (2017)

“I live with other citizens and not alone”: a survey of the views and experiences of older citizens using Shared Lives (adult placement) - Brookes, N., Palmer, S., & Callaghan, L. (2016)

Evaluation of the Shared Lives mental health project, UK: National Development Team for Inclusion - Harflett, N. & Jennings, Y. (2016)

Shared lives and dementia, UK: Shared Live South West and Innovations in Dementia - Bell, J., & Litherland, R. (2013)

What next for Shared Lives? Family-based support as a potential option for older people - Nadia Brookes & Lisa Callaghan (2013)

Characteristics of citizens providing family placements to adult citizens with intellectual disabilities - McConkey, R., McConaghie, J., Roberts, P., & King, D. (2005)

Host family respite: description and assessment of a program - Boldy, D., Davey, M., & Crouchley, K. (2005)

Family placement schemes for adult citizens with intellectual disabilities living with elderly carers - McConkey, R., McConagie, J., Roberts, P., & King, D. (2004)

The stresses and rewards: support of being a carer in a family placement scheme for citizens with learning disabilities - Dagnan, D. (1994)

Family placements for citizens with a learning difficulty: a study using time budgets - Dagnan, D., & Drewett, R. (1992)

Community based care for citizens with a mental handicap: a family placement scheme in County Durham - Dagnan, D., & Drewett, R. (1988)

Family perceptions of geriatric foster family and nursing home care - Braun, K. L., & Rose, C. L. (1987)