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What is Family by Family?


Please note, the Family by Family pilot project in Stoke-on-Trent has now ended.


Family by Family connects sharing families (volunteers) who have been through tough times and want to be alongside seeking families who are currently experiencing tough times and want to improve their family’s life.

Families are brought together in link ups and work towards goals of the family’s choice.

The project is underpinned by a set of clear principles that places importance of choice, relationships and working from a place of strength rather than deficit. The families are supported by a knowledgeable team of family and kids coaches to catalyse change that participants want to see.

What sets this project apart from others is the whole family approach, we recognise the vital role that kids play in creating change in family units as role models, leaders and changemakers.

The project is a blend of strengths based and community development approaches combined with a clear service model incorporating social work practice that enables change for families. It seeks not to replace statutory services but to recognise the gifts, talents and strengths that already existing within families to prevent crisis from happening and to improve outcomes for everyone. There is a clear evaluative approach supported by the ten year evidence base of The Australian Centre for Social Innovation (TACSI).


““It’s helped our family to shine””

- Stuart

Nobody tells the families what they need to change – everyone’s goals are different.

Together the families work on achieving goals and move towards thriving lives, supported by a coach.

What do families do together?

A Link Up is where two families are connected through our coaches.

Link ups start with families getting to know each other, chatting, sharing stories and doing fun stuff together and building their relationship.

Then both families begin to work on the Seeking Family’s goals, encouraging, helping and celebrating the small wins that happen along the way and practically walking alongside them to achieve their goals.

Link ups enable change for families; in behaviour, social networks, attitudes and protective factors. They enable families to concretely work towards new behaviours by having these role-modelled by another family who has been there and done that.

What kind of things do Sharing Families help with?

Link ups can help families increase confidence, aspirations and connections. This might be through a range of activities like sporting clubs, voluntary work, coffee clubs, playgroups, local libraries and services.

They can also practically help families with; learning new behaviours, working on home environments, brining attention to the families strength’s, parenting and child development, reducing stress and increasing confidence in the family.

A link up lasts for 10 to 30 weeks, depending on the size of the goal defined by the Seeking Family.

How are families linked together?

Seeking Families will have a choice of families they can get to know. They direct what works for them.

To start with, we will offer up to three profiles of local families who may be a suitable match based on shared experience, circumstance, or cultural and religious values – whatever is important to the families and will help them get through the tough time.

Both families are supported by a coach who helps them keep focussed on the changes the seeking family wants to make.

How can I get involved?

The Family by Family pilot project in Stoke-on-Trent has now finished.