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Family by Family Stoke-on-Trent pilot project

The Family by Family pilot project in Stoke-on-Trent has now finished.

Shared Lives Plus is pioneering a model of family peer support in the UK through a pilot project in Stoke-on-Trent.

Family by Family was started in Australia, founded by TACSI, The Australian Centre for Social Innovation and connects Sharing Families– a family that has been through tough times and come out the other side – with Seeking Families – families who are going through tough times and want to make change in their lives.


Family by Family – helping families to thrive not just survive

How can I refer?


The Family by Family pilot project in Stoke-on-Trent has now finished.


Stoke pilot project partners

Shared Lives Plus

Shared Lives Plus is the UK membership charity for more than 6,000 Shared Lives carers, 150 Shared Lives schemes and a growing network of over 25 local Homeshare organisations.

Our vision is a kinder, stronger society built on sharing our lives and our homes. We help build communities where everyone lives a full life, regardless of the support they need.

We do this by turning shared living models, such as Shared Lives, Homeshare and Family by Family into thriving, mainstream options, with all the right structures in place to support and guide who want to share their lives.

Stoke-on-Trent City Council

“For our city and its residents to achieve their full potential, we need to focus on the outcomes that we want to change and how we are going to achieve this crucial transformation. This includes continuing to look for better ways to deliver our services, and considering whether some of the things we do might be better done by others.”

Download the Stoke-on-Trent City Council Stronger Together strategic plan here.

“As a City Council, we will continue to work with local, regional and national partners to get the very best for our city, and to make it a city we can all be proud of.”

Go to website

TACSI – The Australian Centre for Social Innovation

The Australian Centre for Social Innovation brings people into the heart of shaping their lives and society.

Formed in 2009 as an initiative of the South Australian Government, TACSI is now an independent social enterprise working on projects and initiatives across Australia. Bringing together a unique and diverse team of people from all over the world, the staff at TACSI are all united in their commitment to developing new and better ways to build social and economic prosperity for all.

Go to the TACSI website

Department for Education Stoke-on-Trent Opportunity Area

The 12 opportunity areas (OAs) are social mobility cold spots where the Department for Education (DfE) is prioritising resources, and bringing local and national partners together, to break the link between a child’s family background and where they get to in life.

The core objective is to improve outcomes for children and young people from early education through to employment.

Go to the Stoke opportunity area website