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Invaluable 2022 Shared Lives carers survey

Help us tackle issues in Shared Lives carer fees and conditions – fill out our survey

Shared Lives carers do amazing work by enriching the lives of the individuals they support, and the communities they live in. The dedication of Shared Lives carers should be recognised and reflected in your earnings.

In 2022, the cost of living is putting enormous pressure on Shared Lives carers. Now, more than ever, it is important that you are rewarded for your hard work and dedication.

How will this survey help?

Shared Lives Plus are collecting information about Shared Lives carer fees and conditions from Shared Lives carers like you, and from Shared Lives schemes across the UK. This will give us a clearer picture of how much Shared Lives carers earn in different regions and countries.

With this information, we will be able to target individual areas to try and improve fees and conditions for Shared Lives carers. 

Can the survey be done anonymously?

We need to know what scheme you are with, but you do not have to tell us who you are if you don’t want to.

Any identifying information you do give us will be anonymised before we share the results of the survey – your scheme won’t be able to tell which answers and comments have come from you.

However, if you want to be included in the prize draw for a hamper, you will have to let us know who you are by giving us your name and email address.

The closing date for the prize draw is Monday 12 December (although the survey will remain open after that date).

Because we know some carers are sending us their survey responses by mail (there’s a copy of it in Sharing magazine), we’ve extended the closing date for the prize draw until the new year, so carers don’t miss the deadline because of the postal strikes.

You’ve now got until January 3rd to get your submission in, for a chance to win the hamper in the prize draw.

Entry to the prize draw has now closed, but the survey is still open for you to tell us about your experiences.