This year we have been listening to Shared Lives carers and schemes as many Shared Lives carers have not had a break during Covid, so we are making the case for all Shared Lives carers to have respite, or recieve recognition of their work.
Shared Lives carers are facing unique financial pressures during COVID-19, which is why we have launched a new campaign to support carers and schemes, to help influence government support for self-employed people and ensuring we minimise any financial pressures for our fantastic carers.
We are promoting human rights of people who use Shared Lives and Shared Lives carers and schemes through Shared Lives week and our UK conference.
We launched our invaluable campaign which promoted fairness for Shared Lives carers. We want Shared Lives carers to be understood in the same way as other parts of the social care sector. One important aspect, as well as being part of an integrated approach to health and social care teams, is our carer fee campaign.
Through our carer support team and advice work, we supported Shared Lives carers to talk to their councils about rates of carer fees, terms and conditions with the aim that Shared Lives carers should be included in annual fee reviews, just like any other part of social care services. Our campaign mobilised carers and schemes and resulted in several fee uplifts to bring it into line.
Qualifying care allowance – we worked closely with HMRC to advocate for Shared Lives carers to be included in this updated law. Now you can claim tax relief – see how you are written into the conditions.
Universal credit – we are working with government colleagues for changes to how Universal Credit is being rolled out, including the restriction of housing costs and income. We will continue to promote the rights of Shared Lives carers and people you support. You can find guidance in your membership account
Ordinary residence – we worked with national government colleagues to change the rules around Ordinary Residence that are now written into the Care Act – this meant that local authorities are not able to place people out of county and then not continue their funding any more.
“Many thanks for your support, helping us prepare and knowing you are around gives us the confidence we need to get things going”