Shared Lives Plus

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Date published: December 3, 2020

Message of thanks from our president, Sue Newton

The reason Shared Lives exists today, helping support more than 14,000 people to live in a safe and welcoming family home, is thanks to one remarkable lady, Sue Newton. Back in the 1970s she came up with an idea to keep people out of institutional care and give their carers a bit of a break.

More than 40 years later, Shared Lives is going from strength to strength across the UK, with over 150 local schemes delivering Shared Lives services. As president of Shared Lives Plus, Sue maintains an active interest in our work. Last week she checked in with this heartfelt message for all Shared Lives carers, thanking them for the incredible work they do:

“When I recruited my first Shared Lives carer in the late 1970s I knew I had struck gold. I saw at first hand the acceptance and inclusion of a stranger into the household. The different ways people were made to feel at home and be part of the family set-up, and the skills of the carer to enable this to happen. It is on this gift relationship that Shared Lives blossoms.

“I would like to thank all Shared Lives Carers for all that they do, it is beyond price.

“You have my admiration and my gratitude.”

All the best,

Sue Newton MBE, President, Shared Lives Plus.

A message from the CEO

Alex Fox OBE, CEO of Shared Lives Plus, also took time out at the recent shared living national conference and awards, to thank carers for going above and beyond during the current pandemic, continuing to provide for those they care for and helping to transform their lives, as part of a family and community they have chosen. You can watch his message here…