Shared Lives Plus

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Make a complaint

You can submit a complaint using the form below, or by contacting the relevent person according to our complaints policy (see below the form)


Our Complaints Procedure

People wishing to make a complaint about the quality or level of service provided by Shared Lives Plus should be encouraged to do so.

Shared Lives Plus aims to provide the best possible service to all members and to other involved organisations and individuals.  The charity needs to know when it falls short of this ideal.


1       Any individual or organisation may make a complaint by writing to:

  1. the Chief Executive or
  2. (where the complaint is regarding the Chief Executive) the Chair of the UK Board of Trustees, c/o G04 Shared Lives Plus, Eleanor Rathbone House, Connect Business Village, 24 Derby Road, Liverpool, L5 9PR

2       When the complaint is regarding the Chief Executive of Shared Lives Plus, the Chair of the Board of Trustees will take responsibility for investigating the complaint, following the process set out in paragraph 3 below.

3       For any other complaint, the Chief Executive shall:

  1. within fourteen days of receipt of the letter of complaint, acknowledge the letter in writing, setting out in that letter of acknowledgement the steps that will be taken to investigate the complaint.
  2. log the complaint in the complaints register (held at Shared Lives Plus Head Office) which is open for inspection by:
    1. any member of the Board of Trustees
    2. any person or representative authorised by the Board of Trustees
  3. investigate the circumstances leading to the complaint.
  4. communicate in writing the results of the inquiry and any action taken or to be taken to the complainant within 28 days from the letter of acknowledgement.
  5. the person making the complaint shall have the right, if dissatisfied with the results of this inquiry, to appeal to the full Board of Trustees.

4       All complaints will be dealt with in confidence, except where the person making the complaint gives his/her permission for the substance of the complaint to be more widely discussed.