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Grants, benefits, and financial support



Energy Grants

Billions of pounds of grants go unclaimed each year, and there are several open to people with caring needs. When you apply for a grant, you’ll have to provide detailed information about your financial situation in your application. For more information visit the Simple Energy Advice website.

Benefit entitlement checkers

Whether you are a Shared Lives carer, worker or someone who is supported in Shared Lives, it’s always worth checking that you are getting all the benefits you are entitled to. The website below will help make sure you’re not missing out on money you are owed.

Charitable grants you may be able to apply for

Depending on your circumstances, you may be eligible for a charitable grant. Turn2us has a grant search where you can see what is available for you.

The Care Worker’s Charity

The Care Worker’s Charity mission is to advance the financial, professional and mental wellbeing of social care workers by making grants, signposting to resources and providing access to services. They have various resources on their website including two grants. These grants are not always open for new applications, please check the CWC site for the latest information.

  • Covid-19 Emergency Grant – for care workers who have suffered a drop in income due to COVID-19, or who need financial support because of a COVID-related circumstance. Applications for this grant are currently closed
  • Crisis Grant – for care workers who have experienced a recent change in circumstance resulting in a significant financial impact. PLEASE NOTE: This grant is currently only available to carers in Oxfordshire and Bradford.


If you have any questions regarding these resources, please email