Shared Lives Plus

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Electing trustees and board meetings

We ensure all trustees have a good induction, including meetings with the Chair, the CEO and the Finance Director. All trustees receive a pack of information which includes some suggested reading and key guidance from the Charity Commission as well as from other third sector agencies giving clear guidance on good governance.

We adhere to the Code of Good Governance. We require all trustees to declare any interests (a register is held by the FD), to complete the Fit and Proper Persons Test and to sign up to Shared Lives Plus’ own Code of Conduct for Trustees.

Our Board of Trustees consists of four types of trustee as below. Currently we have 7 trustees, and we are looking for 3 more.

Elected trustees – trustees elected by the membership – all of which will be Shared Lives Carers (3 year term of office).

Ex-Officio trustees – trustees elected by each Country Committee to represent that country on the Board.

Appointed trustees – trustees appointed by the charity as they have been identified as having key skills that will help us to flourish.

Co-Opted trustees –  trustees selected by the Board of trustees to fill roles within the board (term of office only until next AGM).

Board Meeting standing items and structure

The board meet quarterly (March, June, September and December).

Dates are agreed at the March meeting for the whole year and a structure is in place from the start of the year. Any additional meeting may be called in between if circumstances dictate (and a round robin decision is inappropriate) with one weeks’ notice.

The Board also has a Finance Committee (which includes the HR Committee), which is chaired by the Treasurer, which takes a more detailed look at the financial and risk reports of the organisation. Including the accounts, investments and staffing. This ensures a detailed review has taken place prior to the Board meeting – the Finance Committee reports into the Board, and has a clear Terms of Reference.

The Board meeting usually includes all of the senior management team for the duration of the meeting, who attend and take part in discussions but do not vote.

Each Board meeting has recurring agenda items of: –

  1. Welcome and agreement of previous meeting minutes
  2. Register of Interests Update
  3. Report on progress and KPI’s (including Director’s reports)
  4. Finance Committee Reports
  5. Oral Reports – from colleagues on different operational projects
  6. AOB

In addition to the recurring agenda items, each meeting will have a specific role to complete.

Currently these are:

March meeting – to discuss and approve the strategic plan and budget for the following financial year and review HR matters – staffing plans and cost of living increases, etc.

June meeting – to consider our work within the sector – usually to include a presentation by a member of the team on a new or on-going project.

September meeting – to incorporate the preparation for the AGM and approve the annual accounts and to review performance against the strategic plan.

December meeting – to discuss and review Trustee matters, including recruitment, Skills review, ‘How did we do’, refresh any governance forms/guidance, etc.  and to discuss and decide Strategic Direction, planning for the following 12 months, meet with staff team, etc.

Trustee recruitment and training

Shared Lives Plus encourage and support all trustees to continue their learning and to engage with relevant training courses. A record of all trustee training is kept. Shared Lives Plus provides trustees with an additional day to come together to do some training as a Board, or to review their own performance in the year. This usually takes place in January and includes some time with the full Shared Lives Plus staff team.

We are currently looking for three new trustees to join our board.

We are particularly interested in applicants who have the following skills and experience:

  • Knowledge of policy leadership, commissioning and change management in adult social care, but also relevant experience in health and children’s social care.
  • Communications, marketing and public relations, especially in supporting public awareness campaigns and recruitment
  • Human resources and organisational learning and development

Find out more

Other Items

All Trustees are to be DBS checked.

Latest board meeting minutes: