Shared Lives Plus

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Growing Shared Lives

Shared Lives is ripe for growth in most areas, equating to only 1% of Adult Social Care provision, despite having been founded in the late 1970’s. It has typically supported working age adults, but is increasingly growing as a positive option for young people leaving care and older age adults.

We know the common barriers to growing Shared Lives to support more adults across all ages, and provide expert support to overcome these, drawing on good practice of ‘what works’.

Our team can work with you to develop the right foundations and enablers for growth including the development of;

  • strategic, joined up working and planning with local leaders
  • effective partnership and professional working across teams and individuals
  • knowledgeable and skilled social workers who understand, champion and utilise Shared Lives
  • a high performing effective Shared Lives team
  • well supported Shared Lives carers
  • a strategic approach to Shared Lives carer recruitment and local awareness raising