Growing Shared Lives in Scotland – a toolkit to help commissioners, directors, and heads of service who want to offer more personalised, strengths-based adult social care – has been launched.
The Scottish Government has expressed a strong commitment to services that are designed and delivered locally that have equality, dignity, and human rights at their heart. This practical toolkit will help people with responsibility for social care provision to plan and deliver that growth in a supported and sustainable manner.
You can download the toolkit from the bottom of this page.
Heather Thomas, Shared Lives Ambassador in Scotland
“If I knew about Shared Lives when I was 16, my whole world would
have changed faster and I wouldn’t have had the anxiety of my
future being so unknown. I think more social workers and people
that work within the care system should know about Shared Lives
because it could change someone’s life for the better.”
Cath Roff – Director of Adults and Health, Leeds City Council
“Growing Shared Lives, especially with additional pressures brought about during the pandemic, has proven to be very difficult. Despite this, we have achieved some success and remain committed. It is central to our vision of building a strengths-based approach to care and support across Leeds, which is based on what is strong about local people – their strengths, aspirations and networks – rather than what is wrong.”
Tandra Forster – Director of Integrated Adult Social Care, Devon County Council
“It will be difficult, but far from impossible, to grow Shared Lives. If we work together, share resources and learning, and are creative and brave with the money we have, we can continue to invest in and grow Shared Lives, to ensure that even more people benefit from one of the highest quality and safest forms of social care in the future.”