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Date published: June 26, 2023

“It’s rewarding to see the difference you make as a Shared Lives carer and to help transform people’s lives!”

Shared Lives carer Helga supports Connor at her home in the South West. They were matched together by Shared Lives South West, originally with Connor visiting for short breaks, however six months ago, Connor moved in full time, and enjoys spending time with the family and animals at Helga’s home.

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Helga has been a Shared Lives carer for six years, prior to this she did voluntary work visiting day centres and care homes with her two therapy dogs. It was at these day centres that Helga first met Shared Lives carers based in Dorset.

“I then moved to Cornwall and was working in retail when a Shared Lives South West carer came into the store. We got talking and she gave me the number of the Cornwall office. I applied and the rest is history – I haven’t looked back!”

Connor has become very much part of the family, and Helga finds the role very flexible, “I have three cows and ten sheep that need tending to, I also use them as part of my support by offering animal therapy.” Since moving in with Helga, Connor is now responsible for his own sheep called Angel, who he cares for. Connor has also become great friends with Helga’s son Harrison, they spend days out in Exeter together and go to the cinema. “My son Harrison has autism; he is 29 and has achieved so much, he works, drives and is independent in so many ways. I felt wanted to help others to achieve in life, which is why I became a Shared Lives carer.”

Since Connor moved in, Helga has helped him to apply to jobs and start working, he went abroad for the first time and has gained a huge amount of independence. Connor says, “I got the job… I’m making new friends, it’s brilliant!”

Hear directly from Connor and Helga in this video:

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