Shared Lives Plus

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Date published: February 4, 2021

Shared Lives week 14 – 21 June 2021

Join us for a week of celebration for everyone involved in Shared Lives!

We’ll build on the success of last year’s virtual tea parties with carers and their households, as well as encouraging local MPs, commissioners or directors of adult services to join in online, or meet virtually with Shared Lives households to find out more about the amazing work you do. We’ll create draft letters and press releases and we’ve been talking you through a a range of social media tips and strategies to help you get the message out there.

This year we’re organising a range of online and in person activities – depending on the lockdown rules. We’ll be celebrating Shared Lives carers and schemes’ resilience over the past year, as well as showing how you’re building connections in your local community.

You’ll find all the information, as we update it, on our Shared Lives Week 2021 page.

So remember to check back for more ideas and information – and check out last year for inspiration